Welcome to Club Crystal Blue

Club Crystal Blue is committed to assisting individuals in discovering inner peace and empowering themselves as their own healers.

1:1 Guided Meditation (30 mins + 15 mins Q&A)

$45 / per session (in person or virtual)

Meditation practice can help us cultivate a deeper sense of inner peace and contentment, allowing us to rely less on external sources of comfort and validation. As we become more familiar with the workings of our own minds, we may begin to recognize the subtle power and potential that lies within us.By taking refuge in ourselves, we can learn to trust our own wisdom and intuition, and become a source of comfort and support for others. When we are able to cultivate a sense of inner strength and stability, we are better equipped to handle the challenges and difficulties that arise in our lives, and to extend compassion and understanding to those around us.In this way, meditation practice can be a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation, as well as a means of serving the greater good. By connecting with our own inner resources, we can become a positive force in the world, contributing to the well-being of all beings.I am delighted to present a comprehensive guide that will help you embark on your journey as a meditator with ease and confidence. This package service comprises:+ Personalized meditation space set-up, offering you a designated sanctuary where you can always retreat to for peaceful and mindful meditation.
+ Customized 1-on-1 guided meditation sessions, tailored to suit you and your family's unique needs, lasting for a relaxing 30 minutes.
+ In-depth Q&A sessions to address any concerns or queries you may have, ensuring you thoroughly understand the practice and its benefits.

I Ching Consultation for decision making

$50 / per session

The I Ching, also known as the Book of Change, is an ancient Chinese Taoist practice that offers profound insight into our lives. By preparing a specific question, I will provide you with a personalized report that predicts potential outcomes and enlightens you to make informed decisions.However, please know that you hold the power to create your own future and your actions play a significant role in shaping it. The wisdom gained from an I Ching consultation acts as a guide, a light that illuminates your path, ultimately allowing you to become the swimmer in the stream of life while the I Ching acts as the element of water, revealing where you stand.Experience the transformative power of I Ching and unlock the keys to your future today.

Astrology Reading

$80 / Couple’s charts
$50 / Natal chart

When skeptics dismiss astrology, it often stems from their unfamiliarity with the profound influence of their moon sign. By recognizing the significance of the Moon's position in our birth charts, we unlock the gates to emotional self-discovery. In the natural world, the night holds equal importance as the daytime. Similarly, recognizing our Moon sign is equally essential for self-realization and personal development alongside our Sun sign. Yet in our patriarchal society, the significance of the Moon sign (the Yin element, in contrast to the Yang) often goes unnoticed.My specialty in astrology reading is focused on the Moon, which represents the Yin aspect, the emotional hub, and the subconscious. Additionally, I delve into Chiron, the reservoir of healing potential within each individual. My goal in conducting your chart reading is to help you realize the inherent completeness and healing power that exists within you.

Psychedelic Integration

$80 / per session (including mind-body healing coach and guided meditation)

Integrating psychedelic experiences into our lives can be challenging and requires ongoing dedication and attention. It's not a quick fix or a one-time solution. Rather, it's a long-term process of habit-building and self-awareness.Even after experiencing profound insights and epiphanies, it's normal to return to a sense of normalcy and for those experiences to fade. That's just a part of life. However, we can work together to integrate these experiences into our daily lives, using them as a source of inspiration and motivation for personal growth and transformation.As the saying goes, "life doesn't happen to you; life happens for you." By adopting this mindset and working together, we can continue to learn and grow from our experiences, creating a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Who Am I?

stay present

Hi, I’m LanClub Crystal Blue was created in my Brooklyn apartment during quarantine in 2020, drawing inspiration from the blue-white crystalline light of diamonds. My journey with meditation began in 2009 at the Dharma Drum Retreat Center, where I discovered the power of Chan (禅 Zen). Since then, I've studied Buddhist wisdom and practiced meditation, gaining a glimpse of the super-subtle power of the heart-mind (心). In 2019, I became a certified meditation teacher after completing a 200-hr Meditation Teacher Training at THREE JEWELS | Enlightenment Studio. Today, I'm honored to help others discover their own truth through the practice of meditation.Experiences & Trainings

  • Five years of Internal Martial Arts & Taoist practice

  • Fourteen years of Buddhist Dharma study and meditation practice from Chinese Chan and Tibetan lineage

  • Ten years of self-healing through plant medicines

© Club Crystal Blue